what is termux | Termux command.. tutorial

What is Termux.......

A termux is an Android terminal emulator emulator and linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup requied. A minimal base system is installed automatically additional packages are on available using the APT package manager...

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How to download & Installation termux application...

Installing Termux 

(i) Open the Google play store on your Android 
(ii) Search for termux...
(iii) Tap install 
(iii) Allow the installation to complete 

Termux  command .....................

(i) apt update & apt upgrade..  { Update all the package and dependencies installed the system.}

(ii)  pwd -  { Know which directory you are in } 

(iii) Is { List all the files and directories... } 

(iv) Is-a { list all the files and directories in including Hidden files }

(v) cd { Move forward in directories }

(vi) clear { Clear screen } 

(vii) mkdir { Create a folder or a directory } 

(viii) rmdir {Delete a folder or a directory }

(ix) rm-rf { Delete Non- Empty directory or folder in termux }|

(x) cp  { Copy a file from one directory to another directory }

(xi) mv { Move a file from one directory to another directory }

(xii) pkg install { install a package }

(xiii) pkg uninstall { Uninstall a package }

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